Why not send me an email?
If you have a question or coment please send me an email at mwoods12785@gmail.com .
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I start 3d priting?
Check your local library! Many librarys around the United States have 3d printers for public use.
If your in highschool or collage there may be a 3d printer or even 3d printing club on campus.
What 3d printers do I recomend?
my favorite printer I have used so far is the Prsua i3 mk 3 s,
but if your looking for a chepper modle a flash forge printer will serve you well. -
What 3d modling softwares are user friendly?
I use Meshmixer and Microsoft 3d builder which are boath free softwares.
However there are many 3d modling softwheres out there and each behave quite
differeently from one another. I talk more about 3d modling on the 3D printing page.